Tuesday 27 January 2009


Oh my gosh!
Well, well, well. What can I say. Eastenders today was absolutely shocking! Hilarious, but shocking!
I'm quite impressed at the openness about the Masoods relationship, however, I do believe there are going to be many, many complaints.

Talking of which, personally I think all this complaining is getting way out of hand. Ever since the palaver in Big Brother, television seems to be getting shot down every time a very insignificant issue arises.
As for Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand, it's in their nature and career to entertain, they're constantly fooling about and joking - that's what the audience wants, is it not? Yet, they were criticised so heavily about their Radio 2 incident. I'm not saying I agree with what they did, but to be so overly criticized? Surely it was blown out of proportion?
I must say I am delighted to know Jonathan Ross is back Friday night's. Unfortunately, I didn't watch it. I think it was the secret fear I had that he would tone down the entertainment...

Back to Eastenders; I'm delighted to see that it's not afraid to hide the fact that all ethnic groups engage in such ;)
I will admit I know that many asians will find this "disgraceful" or "shameful". I'm sorry but that's reality!
It is about time everyone faced it :)

Oo.. this post is a bit controversial, is it not?..cringe!

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